DATE: Friday, January 20, 2012
TIME: Workshop #1: 10am. Workshop #2: 11am.
PLACE: tba
ADMISSION: Free for Action Alliance Members. Fee for non-members tba
RSVP: mike@styles.com or 8333 8750
If you are passing by any veterinarian's office and you have a few thousand colones to spare, buying the special shampoo would be a lovely gesture. Also, if you have any old clean towels or old sweatshirts (which apparently are great to dry dogs!) you want to recycle, these are also welcome. Bring them on the day of the dog wash if you are going or any Thursday at 10 am to Cafe Delicias to Louise Whittman.
Questions? Call Louise Whittman at 8997-9903 or email reesemickie@gmail.com. For Dog Land's Facebook page, go to queridos perros Aso Elena or www.meetyourdog.org.
Haven't you always wanted to do this?!!
A great day at a great price!
We're having a very special Community Action Alliance meeting! Our friend Paul Birdsall, the Consul General of the American Embassy in San Jose, is finishing his assignment in Costa Rica this month, and this is our chance to say thanks and wish him well!
Date: Friday, July 22, 2011
Time: 11 am to 12:30 p.m.
Place: Olga's Place Restaurant
Directions: 2-3 kilometers west of the San Ramon Mall on the autopista. Look for the big windmill on the left...you can't miss it!
Cost: Free to Action Alliance Members, others have the opportunity to join!
Agenda: Welcome/Opening Comments,Tribute to special guest Consul General Paul Birdsall,San Ramon Carbon Neutral Presentation by Jorge Araya,Signing of Articles of Incorporation, Committee Reports ,Member Introductions, Networking
RSVP: Call Mike Styles at 8333-8750 or email him at mike@styles.com.
Bonus! Stay for lunch! Olga and Joe have a super restaurant, and having run similar establishments in New Jersey, they have that American menu down pat! Let's all stay for a cheeseburger and fries! Many other menu items are available as well!