Date: Friday, September 9, 2011
Time: Meet Up at 10 am SHARP at the bar/restaurant at the corner of the autopista and the Magallanes turn and follow Louise Whittman to the storage site, two minutes away.
Directions: Autopista west from San Ramon, pass Olga's Place/Windmill Restaurant on left, continue uphill to next right turn. There is a castle-type house on the far right-hand corner and a bar/restaurant with a parking lot on the near right-hand corner. Pull into the parking lot.
Agenda: We'll sort books from 10-12 (wear comfortable clothes you don't mind getting dusty) and then head to Olga's Place (Windmill Restaurant) on the autopista for lunch...great place for a burger! Many other menu items as well.
Questions? No RSVP necessary, just come along! For more info, email Louise Whittman at reesemickie@gmail.com or call her at 8997-9903. And if you have more books or boxes, bring them to Thursday Coffee at Cafe Delicious at 10 am or to the Book Sort on Friday! We will continue to collect books at every Thursday Coffee until the sale! The book sale is a fundraiser for the Red Cross and Dog Land!
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