"It's Your Money Honey" Expat Financial Seminar: Changes in Taxes, Banking, & Investing
Given the changes in tax codes (both in Costa Rica and the US), filings required by the IRS, banking restrictions, etc. the Community Action Alliance has scheduled a seminar titled It's Your Money Honey: Changes in Taxes, Banking, & Investing to help clarify financial and legal obligations relating to these and other areas of importance to all of us.
Financial adviser and accounting specialist Randall Zamora, President/CEO of Costa Rica Accounting and Business Center will be the presenter.
DATE: Friday, February 17, 2012
TIME: 10am
PLACE: COOPENAE, San Ramón de Alajuela
DIRECTIONS: North side of the church on the block in between the Central Park and PeriMercado
ADMISSION: This will be a free event for Action Alliance members. Anyone is welcome however a 2,000 colones fee will be charged for non-members.
RSVP: RSVP to mike@styles.com
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