This meeting will be a Pot-Luck... so bring something to share... your favorite cookies, bread or whatever.
Deanne will provide coffee, soft drinks and plates, etc.
Please bring pen and paper to take notes.
Please email Deanne at ticadea@hotmail.com
Take the Palmares exit off the main Pista and follow that street into town to the point you have to turn right or left. Turn RIGHT.
About 200 mts you will have to choose right or left again. Turn LEFT.
Turn RIGHT on the first street on your right. [Note it is a little hidden but as you turn on to it.] You should see a large ICE building on the left side of the street but, if you see the fire department (Bomberos), on your left, you missed the turn.
Stay on that street until you see a sign on the right that says:
Residencial Palma Real 300 mts. There you will want to IMMEDIATELY turn LEFT.
Cross over a small bridge.
About 100 mts you will be turning RIGHT into the entrance of Palma Real (it is a divided entrance with palm trees).

Turn RIGHT at the 2nd street. [Note the 1st street to the right is a dead end and has no houses.]
Cross over a speed bump.
House is on the RIGHT not numbered but has 4 palm trees in front
(3rd house in a row of 4 that touch walls).
House phone # is 2453 6064
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