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Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet Up Event: Does the Irish in You Miss Corned Beef?

Another talent uncovered! Karen Brown actually brines her own corned beef (much to the delight of Belfast-born husband Joe), and she is willing to share some!

Event: Potluck Dinner
Date: Tuesday, May 4
Time: 3:30-5:50 pm
Place: El Castillo (aka The Cabinas)
Expect: Outdoor dining in the rancho in a lovely setting, see website:, no cost
Bring: A dish to share and your beverage of choice
RSVP: Not mandatory, but if you know you are coming and what dish you will be making, email info to Karen and Joe at; otherwise we will find out what "potluck" really means!
Directions: From San Ramon, autopista west, past El Jardin, past Tinajitas Restaurant, follow around road curves, look to left for bus stop, next left up a steep hill, cabina sign at bottom of hill. If you get to the El Empalme Road, turn around because you have passed it! The rancho is at the top of the hill.

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