Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Meet Up Time: 9 am for 9:30 bus to San Jose
Place: Directo Bus Station, San Ramon. Buy two tickets so you don't have to get in line to buy a return trip ticket in SJ. (1140 c each way)
Directions: Main Street In past mall, through intersection where there used to be a traffic light (how's that for Costa Rica-type directions!), go to the second stop sign, make a left and continue a few blocks, big bus station on right, park anywhere on street.
The Schedule: Get off the bus right at Sabana Park, leisurely stroll through the art museum (IT'S FREE!), then walk a couple of blocks to Rosti Pollos, for the uninitiated, that's fabulous roasted chicken, big menu, reasonable prices, then share a cab back to the Directo Bus Station in SJ (about 2500 c total) and ride the bus back to San Ramon. We're anticipating being back around 3:30 pm.
Questions? Email Randi at randean96@gmail.com or call her at 8801-3163.
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