Date: Sunday, February 27, 2011
Meet Up: 10:15 am for the 10:45 am bus to San Jose at the Directo Bus Station.
Lunch: Hotel Grano de Oro, about 10,000 c, an elegant setting! http://www.hotelgranodeoro.com/restaurant_intro.html
Theatre: A small venue for amateur theatre production by American and British ex-pats! Cost about 4,500 c for admission. YOU MUST MAKE YOUR OWN RESERVATION HERE! http://littletheatregroup.org/reservations_folder/reservations.php . You will get an email confirmation. It is best to bring a copy with you to the theatre.
Expect: Directo Bus to San Jose, one hour, make sure you get there early, bus is crowded, BUY TWO TICKETS FOR THE BUS (about 2,400 c total) SO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WAIT ON LINE IN SAN JOSE BUS TERMINAL. Walk about six blocks from bus stop in SJ to Hotel. Have lunch and walk two blocks to theatre. After show, walk two blocks to taxi pick up point, share taxi (about 500 c each) to Puntarenas Directo Bus Station. Ride about one hour back to San Ramon for arrival about 6 pm.
Questions? Email Kathy Bell at kbellhfpasco@aol.com. NO RSVP necessary for participation, but you MUST make your theatre reservation in advance. Be prepared for a full day with lots of fun!
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