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Sunday, September 12, 2010

RSVP Event: Community Security Workshop

YOU can be part of San Ramon's safer, more secure future! Due to the positive impact of our friends at the Community Action Alliance, San Ramon is on the radar of some of the most important players in the development of President Laura Chinchilla's commitment to resident and tourist safety. In conjunction with the US Embassy, San Ramon Chamber of Commerce, the County Union, and PROPAZ, the Action Alliance is sponsoring a fully bilingual seminar featuring community policing specialist Arturo Venegas, Jr., retired Sacramento Chief of Police :

DATE: Tuesday, September 21, 2010
TIME: 2:00 - 5:30 pm
PLACE: University of Costa Rica, San Ramon Campus, Salon Rosado


2:00 Wecome by PROPAZ
2:05 Remarks by Anne Slaughter Andrew, US Ambassador to Costa Rica
2:15 Presentation on Community Safety, Chief Arturo Venegas
3:00 Break
3:20 Community Safety Workshop
5:30 Closing Remarks

COST: Free, donations accepted at sign-in to offset cost of simultaneous translation headsets. Most of the presentation will be in Spanish with translation to English.

RSVP: Required due to limited seating, capacity 120. Respond no later than noon on Friday, September 17. Call Mike Styles at 8333-8750 or email . You will receive a reservation confirmation number for each person attending. Bring the number with you.

IMPORTANT: This presentation will be repeated in several other communities around Costa Rica; however this is the only presentation at which Ambassador Andrew will speak. Let's keep San Ramon in the forefront in the push for better security for all residents. This event is OPEN TO ALL. Help demonstrate our united commitment to a safer, more secure San Ramon.

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