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Friday, June 18, 2010

RSVP Event: Horseback Riding to the Waterfall!

Ok, horse lovers, we have a ride for you! We'll go out to Bajo LaPaz for a four-hour adventure: 1-1/2 hour ride to the waterfall, 1 hour for a snack and exploring, 1-1/2 hour ride back. Here are the details:

Date: Friday, June 25, 2010

Time: Meet for carpooling at Cafe Delicious at 8 am, drive to Bajo LaPaz, ride 9 am-1 pm, back to Cafe D by 2 pm.

Place: Nacho's Ranch, Bajo LaPaz

Cost: 10,000 c

Bring: Your own water and snack, light jacket/poncho, wear boots or tennis shoes, long pants, a towel if you plan to get up close and personal with the waterfall, camera

Expect: Gentle horses and a good guide

RSVP: A MUST, no later than Monday, June 21, 5 pm so we can let Nacho know. If you RSVP to this event, please do not disappoint, as your horse will be saddled and waiting for you! RSVP

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