2 single recessed spots with movable/adjustable bulb - $7 each
5 recessed flood light fixtures - $8 each
Email jacki@styles.com for more info.
Sale is on a first-to-arrive-with-cash basis! Directions: On the Main Road to La Fortuna, 800 Meters North of the Los Angeles Sur Church. It is a yellow house on the left with the numbers 800 on the second gate post.
Please call Sharron at 2456-4042 for information, current availability of items, and appointment for items listed. This is a PRIVATE SALE so please DO NOT PASS THIS ON TO OTHERS. And Sharron respectfully indicates that SHE WILL ONLY ADMIT A GENTLEMAN TO HER HOME IF HE IS ACCOMPANIED BY A LADY.
Call if you are looking for anything special! Available are storage chests, paper racks, watercolor paper, canvas, paints, mediums, some brushes.
Oh, my! This will be fun!
What a wonderful opportunity we have to help San Ramon move forward just by being there! Friday is a special day: Representatives of American and San Ramon Chambers of Commerce, the mayor, the local legislators, Free Trade Zone, and the US Embassy will be touring San Ramon in the morning to see what can be done to help San Ramon attract new businesses and jobs!
Over 6,000 folks commute from San Ramon to San Jose every day for work, and the local government is interested in making San Ramon a "Live Here, Work Here, Prosper Here" community. IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, ARE YOU READY TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR YOUR ADOPTED COMMUNITY BY BEING AT THE COMMUNITY ACTION ALLIANCE MEETING THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 21?
Here is the info from Community Action Allliance:
At this month’s mixer we will outline our goals for 2011, introduce new committees, and discuss service and the benefit to each of us in contributing to our community. We will also introduce you to local political and business leaders who are helping to create the next generation of poets and presidents.
Day/Date: Friday, January 21, 2011
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Note that in our December newsletter we indicated that the Community Action Alliance would be coordinating an Economic Development Tour of San Ramón to encourage right-fit foreign investment and job creation. This activity will be taking place on the same morning as our mixer and many of the participants will visit with us at the end of our mixer. In addition to our local congressman and incoming mayor and other local government and business leaders there will be a minimum of four representatives from the U.S. Embassy and several national dignitaries.
Location: José Figueres Cultural Center
Directions: North side of the church on the block in between the Central Park and PeriMercado.
Cost: Free. Nominal donations for the Cultural Center will be accepted. Opportunity to join CAA.
RSVP: mike@styles.com or 8.333.8750 More Info: http://www.actionalliancecr.com/