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Monday, March 22, 2010

Meet Up Event: Meet The New US Ambassador

Yes, the new US Ambassador to Costa Rica has arrived! Anne Slaughter Andrew will be speaking at the next Democrats Abroad meeting in San Jose and everyone is invited!

Event: Democrats Abroad
Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010, 9:30 am to noon
Place: Aurolo Holiday Inn, San Jose.
Meet Up: 7:30 am at the Directo Bus Station in San Ramon, buy a roundtrip bus ticket to San Jose for the approximately 8 am bus. Look for Mike Styles, Alan Merson and Paul Yeatman.
Expect: One hour on the directo bus to SJ (about 2,000 c r/t), cab to the Aurola Holiday Inn (about 2,000 c shared), 5,000 c for meeting/lots of refreshments, return cab to directo bus (about 2,000 c shared), one hour back. Return to SR about 1:30 pm
Directions: Main Street In to second stop sign, make left, go four blocks and Directo Bus Station is on the right. Park on the street anywhere near the bus station.

TO ATTEND YOU MUST RSVP: Email to or call Nelleke at 2279-3553 or Bill at 2220-3007.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Meet Up Event: Recycling -- From Trash to Treasure!

Ever wondered what recycling in San Ramon is all about? The folks at the San Ramon Small Business Alliance (SBA) have a unique opportunity which just came their way and they want to share it with everyone who is interested in recycling:

Event: An Introduction to Recycling here in San Ramon
Date: This Wednesday, March 17, 2009 at 2 pm at the Recycling Center in San Juan, Upstairs Meeting Room.
Meet Up: For those who don't know where it is, meet Kathy at the Maxi Bodega parking lot at 1:40 pm and caravan from there. It's around the corner.
What to Expect: We understand that an English speaking volunteer will talk with us, answer questions and show us the facility. This should take about 45 minutes. The San Ramon facility has been cited as one of the best grass roots recycling efforts in Costa Rica. It is a project of the women of the local area. In addition to the recycling itself, they have a school-based educational program to introduce children to the benefits of recycling.
What to Bring: Your recycling if you have it ready! They will take any aluminum, plastic, glass, paper, batteries and many other things you will learn about on Wednesday.

RSVP (just so he can have a idea of how many are attending) to Mike Styles: