Event: Lunch and the comical farce, "No Sex Please, We're British!" IN ENGLISH
When: Sunday, March 14, 2010
Meet Up: 10:10 am at the Directo Bus in San Ramon, look for Kathy, Alan, and Barb the Brit. Don't Be late or you may not get a seat on the bus!
Directions: Main Street In to the second Stop Sign, make left, Directo Bus Station is about four blocks up on right, park on street.
Expect: Bus leaves about 10:30 am (cost <2,000> , walk about six blocks to hotel for lunch (about 10,000 c), walk two blocks to theatre (admission 4,500 c), walk two blocks to taxi back to Directo bus station (about 500 c each), leave about 5 pm for arrival back in San Ramon about 6 pm.
Make your own reservation, VERY IMPORTANT! Bring a copy of the confirmation with you!
Want to see the hotel we'll be going to for lunch?
Questions? Email kbellhfpasco@aol.com. See you there!